Do Anywhere Exercises Using a MediBall

Do Anywhere Exercises Using a MediBall

Do Anywhere Exercises Using a MediBall

Contained within these fitness articles are do-anywhere exercises using the mediBall that will help condition your body for the agility needed for sports.

Some of the exercises may be quite difficult to perform at first.

Make sure you maintain strict form and use an assistant if you are unwary at any time.

If you find you are having difficulty, contact a certified mediBall instructor assist you in developing correct form.

All these articles can be downloaded on the links found at the bottom of this page.

It is recommended that you take a moment to limber up before you workout.

When practicing and doing the exercises, note that form is far more important than repetition.

Once you lose form through fatigue, rest the body and focus the intention on breathing in through your nose and on the out breath relaxing your body's muscles.

The following exercises are hugely rewarding, but take care, concentrate on your breath, and know mastery of the physical technique will come.

1. Healing Your Back Using The MediBall

The following Workout is focused on training the back's three stabilisation systems:

  • Segmental (deep muscles around the spine).
  • Anterior (muscles at the front of the body).
  • Posterior (muscles at the back of the body).
  • By training these systems, we re looking to strategically stabilise and strengthen the back.

Under each exercise there is a description of the exercise, plus the exercise variables:

  • Repetitions - how many times you repeat it.
  • Sets - how many groups of repetitions you do.
  • Rest - how long you rest between each set of exercises.
  • Purpose - why you are doing the exercise.

Repetitions, sets and rest are recommendations only, and may be changed to suit the workout needs of the individual.

2. Five Exercises to a Flatter Stomach

In order to slice centimeters off our waistline you need to reduce the amount of body fat, whilst maintaining a healthy, balanced diet and exercise the "big" muscles of the body.

Walking, running, cycling, rowing, circuit classes, what ever, but you have to move to "burn" the biggest source of energy available to the body... the fat.

When the amount of energy going in to your body as food equals the amount going out through activity and exercise, you are said to be in "energy balance".

But this must be coupled with hydration at a cellular level, the adequate removal of toxins from the fat, bone and lymphatic system, and specific breathing techniques and exercises to tone and shape the muscles of the abdomen or they will remain undefined.

There are four principal abdominal muscles.

  • The rectus muscle is situated in the centre of the abdomen and bends the trunk. This muscle runs from the lower rib to the pubic region. In women this region splits during pregnancy to allow for the bulk of the baby.
  • At the side of the abdomen there are two diagonal muscles, the internal oblique and external oblique. The obliques twist the spine.
  • Underneath the oblique muscle lies the 'transverses abdominis muscle' (TrA). The transversus acting with the obliques pulls the tummy in tight and because of this is often considered your natural 'waist belt'. There are many ways to train the TrA. The following is the most basic of all TrA exercise, and instructions should be followed exactly.

3. Sports Training with a MediBall

Contained within this fitness article are seven, do-anywhere exercises using the mediBall that will help condition your body for the agility needed for sports.

Some of the exercises may be quite difficult to perform at first. Make sure you maintain strict form, and use an assistant at all times.

If you have difficulty, have a certified mediBall instructor assist you in developing correct form.  

Download links to get the best from your AOK ball

1. Healing Your Back Using the MediBall (PDF)

2. Five Exercises to a Flatter Stomach (PDF)

3. Sports Training With a MediBall (PDF)

4. MediBall Inflation Instructions (PDF)

Posted on 5 02 2009 Fitness, View All

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